
Owais Yameen

Reviews of the scholars and other influential personalities

1.   Sahibzadah Muhammad ‘Ammar Sa’eed Sulaymani (Sajjadah Nasheen Aastanah Aaliyyah Maangat Shareef): ‘I am very happy to see and read the Monthly magazine ‘Faizan-e- Madinah’. If Allah Almighty wills, this monthly magazine would prove to be beneficial for the reform of the deeds and beliefs of this Ummah. May Allah Almighty accept this effort in His court. May Dawat-e-Islami flourish and attain success in every field.’ اٰمین

2.   Maulana Muhammad Siddeeq Hanafi Attari (Muhtamim-e-A’la Madrasah Sayyiduna Siddeeq-e-Akbar, Imam and Khateeb Jami’ah Masjid Gulzar-e-Madinah, Hub Chowki, Balochistan): ‘By the grace of Allah Almighty, I have read almost all of the editions of the monthly magazine ‘Faizan-e-Madinah’ published up to Muharram-ul-Haraam 1442 AH. It contains very good and informative topics, especially Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat, Laws of trade and questions and answers from Madani Muzakarah are all filled with information.’

Miscellaneous views

3.   ما شَــآءَالـلّٰـه, the monthly magazine ‘Faizan-e-Madinah’ is a unique source of acquiring the knowledge of Islam. اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه, along with attaining religious knowledge, we also acquire worldly knowledge through it. Moreover, we also remember the dates of the ‘Urs of our pious predecessors. May Allah Almighty grant progression to the monthly magazine ‘Faizan-e-Madinah’ by leaps and bounds. اٰمین (Muhammad Jawed Iqbal ‘Attari, Dora-e-Hadees Shareef, Jami’ah-tul-Madinah Johar Town, Lahore)

4.   After reading the topic ‘three principles for attaining peace’ (less talking, less eating, less sleeping) in July 2020 edition of the monthly magazine ‘Faizan-e-Madinah’, I learnt that talking less preserves Iman, eating less keeps the stomach healthy and sleeping less keeps the intellect intact. (Owais Aslam Attari, Sialkot)

5.   I loved the article ‘Kitchen Garden’ in the monthly magazine ‘Faizan-e-Madinah’ Zul-Hijjah 1441 AH edition. After reading this, I have also potted various plants in my kitchen. More articles like this should be included in the monthly magazine ‘Faizan-e-Madinah’. (Abdul Wahhab, Karachi)

6.   What can be said about the monthly magazine ‘Faizan-e-Madinah’! My younger siblings love to read the questions and answers in it and also tell about it to the other children. (Bint-e-Nadeem Attariyyah, Kamonki)

7.   اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه, I was privileged to read the August 2020 edition of the monthly magazine ‘Faizan-e-Madinah’. In this edition, the article reflecting the state of the current affairs ‘Do not have time’ was very admonitory. Similarly, the topic ‘Devotion to one’s purpose’ was also excellent to encourage those who lose their courage. Among the topics for the kids, the topic entitled ‘looking after infants’ was extremely informative. Among the Islamic sisters’ topics, the topics ‘Sa'i between Safa and Marwah! - Legacy of a mother

8.   ’ and ‘Kitchen Garden’ were immensely commendable. May Allah Almighty grant further progression to the monthly magazine ‘Faizan-e-Madinah’ and bless its staff with the goodness of both worlds. اٰمین (Umm-e-Waqas Attariyyah, Rawalpindi)     




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