Help children find the passion for reading books

Just as good food is needed to keep the human body strong and healthy, the human brain needs good ideas, scholarly facts and ideas are vital for better growth too. Books are the best guide to meet these needs because studying books broadens thought and creates new and innovative ideas.

Respected Parents! To create these capabilities in your children, it is mandatory to make them book-friendly. The following tips would be very useful:

٭    Children usually try to copy their elders, so make yourself a role model for your children and study in front of children; even if the children are only a few months or a few years old, your actions will have an impact on the children.

٭    When children grow up a little, they can be told or read short stories easy to understand having good moral lessons with common sense in interesting manner, because stories increase children's intelligence and cause them to become more and more prone to study and develop a habit of reading books but make sure that the stories you tell must not have any negative impact on children.  So, avoid telling stories that are against the Shari’ah. It's better to choose stories published in ‘Monthly Faizan-e-Madinah.

٭    Do not force your children for reading books or listening to stories, but persuade them into studying with love, because your forceful or scolding behaviour could take them away from the study and once a child’s trend shifted towards another side, it will be difficult to get into the habit of studying.

٭    Make a room, a closet or a part of the closet of the house specific, and name it ‘library’ although it has few books, so the library will become a part of children’s lives unconsciously.

٭    According to your financial position, include a portion of the costs of books and magazines in your monthly expenditure.

٭    Take children to the bookshop periodically, so you can also get services from the publishing department of Dawat-e-Islami , Maktaba-tul-Madinah, where the books authored by Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـه, are available such as, ‘Jhoota chor’ (The Lying Thief), ‘Fir’awn ka Khuwab’ (Pharaoh’s Dream), ‘Noor ka Khilona’( the toy of light), ‘Bayta ho tu Aysa’,(Unique Son), etc.

٭    Sometimes, make your children visit the nearest library in the city, introduce them to different parts of the library, and make them practice as to how they access to the book from the library index.

٭       When you observe that children have become friends with the books, make sure that they have a special time and if possible fix a particular place to study so that the curriculum and other routines are not affected.




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