Madani khaka Application - Public Service Message

Madani Khaka

Madani Khaka
Madani Khaka


Application developed by IT Department of Dawat-e-Islami for android devices


Dawat-e-Islami, a religious non-political movement is serving Muslim Ummah in every aspect of life. Presently, worsening of social circumstances and ignorance of individual’s rights and duties have compelled IT department of Dawat-e-Islami to launch an application in order to bring awareness. By the grace of Allah and untiring and unflinching efforts of the IT department of Dawat-e-Islami, a new application namely Madni Khaky (Public Message) has been introduced. The application contains videos for Public message. The application will help you in realizing your rights and duties in a society accompanied by the recommendations to overcome the prevailing issues. This is a user-friendly application with an eye-catching layout.

Features of the app:

·         Main Video Page: Currently 45 Videos of Public message (Like Measures after rain, Tahajjud k Fazail etc) have been added to this. Further videos will be added from time to time.

·         Individual Video Screen: By clicking on a particular video, the user will be able to watch the relevant video. The user can also rate, comment and share the videos.

·         My Library: The downloaded data will be saved to “My Library”. The user can remove the data from the library as well.

More Options:

·         Share App: You can share application link with your friends.

·         Comments: You can also comment on this app.

·         Rate this App: You can rate and submit reviews on Play Store.

·         More Apps: You can also view the more apps by the IT department of Dawat-e-Islami.

·         About US: Learn about IT department of Dawat-e-Islami.

Download this application freely and let other Islamic brothers know about the advantages of using this app. You can share your experience, comments and valuable suggestions with us at

