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Ijtimah in Lady Brand, South Africa

On February 1, 2025, a Provincial Ijtema of Dawat-e-Islami will be held in Ladybrand, South Africa.

In the famous town of Ladybrand, located in the Free State province of South Africa, the great religious movement of Sunnah revival, Dawat-e-Islami, continues its efforts to spread the message of Islam and its teachings. Along with individual efforts, collective initiatives are also being witnessed to spread religious knowledge far and wide. Soon, the people of Ladybrand will experience a grand provincial gathering for the revival of Sunnahs on February 1, 2025.

The Provincial Ijtema, held under the auspices of Dawat-e-Islami in the Free State province, will provide an excellent opportunity for the people there to learn Islamic knowledge. Ladybrand will witness the practical embodiment of Islamic traditions within its cultural and economic setting. Attendees will learn the teachings of Sunnahs, awaken their Islamic identity, and see Islamic teachings spread throughout the region.

The Ijtema will feature special lectures and religious training for participants, with the esteemed religious scholar Maulana Imran Qadri, Head of Dawat-e-Islami's Central Shura, and Maulana Muhammad Abdul Habib Attari, the spokesperson of Dawat-e-Islami, gracing the event.