Parental Consent and Supererogatory Fasts

Questions and answers of Madani Muzakarah

Parental consent and supererogatory fasts

Question 1: Is a person required to seek parental consent before s/he undertakes supererogatory fasts?

Answer: One is not required to seek parental consent prior to observing supererogatory fasts. However, a married woman must seek her husband’s consent if she intends on undertaking such fasts. (Durr-e-Mukhtar, vol. 3, p. 477; Bahar-e-Shari’at, vol. 1, p. 1008; Madani Muzakarah, 4th Sha’ban-ul-Mu’azzam 1441 AH)

Fasting throughout the month of Sha’ban

Question 2: Is it permissible to fast on all of the days of Sha’ban?

Answer: It is permissible and an act of great reward[1] as long as the individual does not exhaust and enervate themself to the point where they struggle with the prescribed fasts of Ramadan. People who are accustomed to fasting regularly do observe the fasts of Sha’ban; In fact, in the Madani environment of Dawat-e-Islami, multitudes of people fast throughout the three months of Rajab, Sha’ban and Ramadan. (Madani Muzakarah, 4th Muharram-ul-Haraam 1441 AH)

Price increases of fruits and flowers on 15 Sha’ban

Question 3: On 15 Sha’ban, people generally fast and visit cemeteries. They usually purchase flowers to place on the graves of their loved ones and fruits for breaking their fasts. Subsequently, retailers tend to increase the prices of these items during this period; is this permissible and does it equate to mistreating Muslims?

Answer: Despite being improper, selling these items for a higher price neither amounts to mistreating Muslims or harming them nor is it a sinful practice. Yet, retailers have a duty of care towards Muslims and so should offer the fruits and flowers, on this date, at a discounted price; they will reap the benefits of doing this in both worlds اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه. (Madani Muzakarah, 15th Sha’ban-ul-Mu’azzam 1440 AH)

Throne of Satan on shoe soles facing upwards

Question 4: Does Satan sit on the soles of shoes that are left facing upwards?

Answer: Some books do state that Satan takes the soles of shoes that are left facing upwards as his throne. Therefore, one should ensure that their shoes are not left in such a manner. In fact, this may cause destitution and impoverishment. (Sunni Bihishti Zaywar, pp. 601-602) Although it is a commonly held belief that leaving shoes with their soles facing upwards causes fights and disputes, I have not encountered anything of this nature in any source. However, I did hear of this notion during my childhood. (Madani Muzakarah, 7th Jumadal Aakhir 1441 AH)

Using the left hand to shake hands

Question 5: Will the Sunnah of shaking hands be fulfilled if a person uses their left hand without any valid reason?  

Answer: It is not the Sunnah to shake hands with only one hand, regardless of whether the right hand or the left one is used. The Sunnah is to use both hands, without holding anything in them, (Rad-ul-Muhtar, vol. 9, p. 629). While some people use their fingertips to shake hands, others use one, clapping it against the other person’s hand; both of these styles are incorrect. (Madani Muzakarah, 16th Jumadal Oola 1441 AH)

The white shawl given to the widow

Question 6: Is it necessary for the widow to wear a white shawl given to her by her brother or maternal uncle?

Answer: Wearing a white shawl is not a requirement; a simple plain or used garment suffices. The notion of her donning a white shawl given to her by her brother or maternal uncle is a frivolous constraint, invented by the public and a practice we should strive to end. In this context, if the shawl was given unwillingly, then it must be returned. (Madani Muzakarah, 7th Jumadal Aakhir 1441 AH)

Compelling someone to give a gift

Question 7: People generally claim that the woman’s maternal uncle will have to gift something to her, if she becomes a widow. They even stress that he must give a gift to her, such as clothes, during her wedding. Is it proper to give a gift to her in these circumstances?

Answer: If someone wishes to give a gift of their own will, then they can do so, with respect to societal wedding norms. In fact, if a person’s nephew or niece is getting married, then they should happily give a gift to them because such occasions of joy are not a daily occurrent. However, a person should not be compelled to gift anything. (Madani Muzakarah, 7th Jumadal Aakhir 1441 AH)

Abstaining from sinful gazing

Question 8: Sinful gazing is widespread; to what extent is it necessary for people to save themselves from this?

Answer: One must abstain from sinful gazing as much as possible but if someone inadvertently casts a gaze at a woman immediately turning their eyes away, then this is pardoned. (Abu-Dawood, vol. 2, p. 358, Hadees 2149; Madani Muzakarah, 7th Jumadal Aakhir 1441 AH)

Supplicating against someone?

Question 9: Can we supplicate against someone if they have upset us?

Answer: If the other person has been cruel or oppressive, then it is permissible to supplicate against them, (Tirmizi, vol. 5, p. 324, Hadees 3563; Fatawa Razawiyyah, vol. 23, p. 182), although it is preferred not to do so, (Tafseer Durr-e-Mansoor, Part 6, Surah Al-Nisa, under the verse 148, vol. 2, p. 723).

Salaam us par keh jis nay khoon kay piyasoon ko qaba`ayn dayn

Salaam us par keh jis nay gaaliyan sun kar du’ayn dayn

(Madani Muzakarah, 7th Jumadal Aakhir 1441 AH)

Salat upon the Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم without Wudu?

Question 10: Is it necessary to be in a state of Wudu when reciting Salat upon the Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم?

Answer: It is not necessary; one can do this even without Wudu, (Fatawa Hindiyyah, vol. 1, p. 38).


[1] The seasoned jurist of Islam, Allamah Mufti Shareef-ul-Haq Amjadi رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه stated: ‘People should fast in Sha’ban as per their ability. However, those who are not fit enough should not fast every day as this will adversely impact their fasts in Ramadan. This is the very wisdom of those narrations that encourage people not to fast after fifteen days of Sha’ban have lapsed. (Nuzha-tul-Qaari, vol. 3, p. 380)




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