Book Name:Rizq Main Tangi Kay Asbab

نفس و شیطان ہوگئے غالب

ان کے چُنگل سے تُو چُھڑا یا رَبّ

کرکے توبہ میں پھر گُناہوں میں

ہو ہی جاتا ہوں مبُتلا یا رَبّ

نیم جاں کر دیا گُناہوں نے

مرضِ عصیاں سے دے شِفا یا رَبّ


Dear Islamic brothers! In view of this blessed Ayah and its Tafseer, we should ponder over our own condition. We should not forget that our own wrongdoings might be the cause of various problems and lack of blessings in sustenance. Nowadays, in our society, committing even major sins has become very common. اَلْاَمَانُ وَالْحَفِیْظ (May Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ protect us). Unfortunately, a large majority of the people do not act upon Islamic teachings. They are heedless of fulfilling the rights of people and those of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ. Carrying out good deeds has become very difficult for Nafs whereas committing sins has become quite easy. Too much struggle for meeting one’s needs and for getting worldly facilities has made the majority of people heedless of contemplating [i.e. thinking about] their afterlife.

In our society, people fearlessly commit various sins such as using offensive and foul language; making false-accusations; having bad assumption; backbiting and tale-telling; finding faults with others; speaking ill of others; telling lies; making false promises; unlawfully taking someone’s wealth and possessions; getting into fights which even lead to bloodshed; hurting someone’s feelings without any Shar’i reason; not paying debt; not returning someone’s possession after taking it temporarily; calling the Muslims with bad names; using someone’s possession without his consent even when it annoys him; drinking alcohol; indulging in gambling; committing theft and robbery; committing fornication; watching films and dramas; listening to songs and music; giving and taking bribery and Riba [i.e. interest]; disobeying parents and annoying them; misappropriating; gazing unlawfully; men imitating women and women imitating men; not observing purdah; showing