Book Name:Maraz Se Qabr Tak

it also becomes atonement from his sins. Remember! In other religions of the world, illness is only considered to be a disaster and trouble, whereas Islam is the beautiful religion which not only declares health to be a blessing, but it also interprets illnesses and troubles as mercy because illnesses not only are the source of bringing forgiveness from sins, but some minor illnesses also give protection from deadly diseases.

A great thinker of the Ummah, Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan Na’eemi رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه has said: A common cold is not a disease, but rather a cure for mental diseases. It prevents many other diseases. One who suffers from a cold does not go mad or insane. One who has ever suffered from an itch, does not suffer from leprosy. There are many Divine pearls of wisdom behind cold and itching.

(Mirat-ul-Manajih, vol. 6, pp. 395)

Talking about the advantages of illnesses, Mufti Jalaluddin Amjadi رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه has stated: An illness apparently causes a trouble or pain, but in fact, it is a great blessing that provides a true Muslim with a great deal of eternal relief and comfort. This apparent illness is a very effective cure for spiritual diseases on the condition that a person should be a Muslim and remain patient and thankful in the face of even the most dangerous diseases. If he wails and does not have patience, he will not get any real benefit from the illness, i.e. he will be deprived of the reward. (Anwaar-ul-Hadees, pp. 197)

Fruit of patience is sweet

Dear Islamic brothers! Remember! When a person suffers from a disease or trouble, it does not go away by showing impatience, crying and complaining and telling to everyone, but rather he loses the reward which he can easily obtain by having patience. Hence we should not get impatient at all through illness and make our mind that a person never remains in the same condition for ever. If a person falls ill, he also recovers quickly. If he experiences a grief, he also gets many joys after it. After experiencing poverty he also experiences prosperity. However, a Muslim, in every condition, should spend his life with patience and gratitude as per the Will of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ. Let’s beseech in the blessed Divine court: