Shaban ul Muazzam main nafil ibadaat

Book Name:Shaban ul Muazzam main nafil ibadaat

Qafilahs, people have started offering Salah in many Masajid. Madani Qafilah is the most important source to spread the call towards righteousness. But dear Islamic brothers! Remember! There are still many Masajid and areas which are looking forward to Madani Qafilahs. Indeed, there still remains many Muslims who are deprived of observing the compulsory fasts of Ramadan. Sins are abundantly committed in this month as well. There are many healthy people, who without any Shar’i reason, do not observe fasts, and in broad daylight they continue eating food without any hesitation in hotels and restaurants. However, if we see a Muslim eating food in a restaurant etc. openly, then too we should have a good opinion of him. Perhaps, he is not observing a fast due to some Shar’i reason.

Dear Islamic brothers! In this sacred month, especially through Madani Qafilahs we should present the call towards righteousness to these people also, prevent them from evils, give them the mind-set of observing compulsory fasts by informing them of the virtues of blessed Ramadan and we should make lots of individual efforts upon them. For the reception of blessed Ramadan, we should make such collective efforts that may create an environment in which the blessings of fasts can be seen everywhere. The schedule of a Madani Qafilah should include the activities of the Masjid and Chowk Dars etc. from the book Faizan-e-Ramadan [Blessings of Ramadan], to teach the necessary rulings of fasting in Ramadan and other acts of worship to the lovers of the Beloved Rasool. Try to send the pamphlet which is published by Maktaba-tul-Madinah, ‘Horrible end of the one who commits sins in Ramadan’ to every home. How great would it be if we immediately invite these lovers of the Beloved Rasool to observe the whole-month or last ten-days in I’tikaf, as observed in the Madani environment of Dawat-e-Islami. Especially spread the invitation of the grand whole-month Ramadan I’tikaf of the lovers of Ramadan that is observed in the global Madani centre, Faizan-e-Madinah, Bab-ul-Madinah, Karachi.


صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب       صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد