Book Name:Aashiqon ka Safr e Madina

10 Advantages of visiting the Blessed Mausoleum

Muballigh-e-Islam Shaykh Shu’ayb Harifeesh رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه has stated: 10 miracles and honours i.e., for the visitors of the Blessed Mausoleum:


1.         He will be a high ranked person.

2.         He will achieve his aim and objective.

3.         His needs will be fulfilled.

4.         He will be privileged to spend his donation.

5.         He will remain safe and sound from destruction and devastation.

6.         He will be immune from defects and flaws.

7.         His troubles will be eased.

8.         He will be protected from calamities.

9.         He will have a good return in Hereafter.

10.      He will have blessings of the Rab عَزَّوَجَلَّ of the East and West.

(Ar-Raud-ul-Faaiq, pp. 307 to 308)


یا رَبّ !تیرے مَحبوب کا جلوہ نظر آئے                    اُس نُورِ مُجَسَّم کا سَراپا نظر آئے

اے کاش! کبھی ایسا بھی ہو خواب میں میرے       ہُوں جس کی غُلامی میں وہ آقا نظر آئے

تابِندہ مُقدّر کا سِتارہ نظر آئے                                   جب آنکھ کُھلے گُنبدِ خَضرا نظر آئے

جس در کا بنایا ہے گَدا مجھ کو الٰہی                       اُس دَر پہ کبھی کاش! یہ منگتا نظر آئے


صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب       صَلَّى اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰى عَلٰى مُحَمَّد


سُـبْحٰـنَ الـلّٰــه عَزَّوَجَلَّ! Dear Islamic brothers! Have you seen how great privileges there are to visit Madinah Munawwarah that by the blessings of this sins get washed away, one is privileged to obtain the intercession of the Prophet of Rahmah, Intercessor of the Ummah صَلَّى اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم and the most incredible and excellent thing is that the fortunate person who visits the blessed mausoleum,