Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

38.   The fishing department is also under the supervision of the MajlisUshr and nearby villages. The responsible Islamic brothers of the Majlis should contact fishermen. Enlightening them about the excellence in Sadaqah, the responsible Islamic brother should request them to make as much financial cooperation with Dawat-e-Islami as they can conveniently do.

39.   Following a planned schedule, the Nigrān of Kābīnah should visit different cities (divisions) and deliver speeches in farmers’ Ijtimā’āt in collaboration with the MajlisUshr and nearby villages, enlightening them about the services rendered by Dawat-e-Islami and persuading them to make further cooperation. Moreover, he should prevail upon them to take part in the Madanī activities of Dawat-e-Islami in person. Members of Shūrā and Nigrān-e-Kābīnāt should keep on inquiring about them.

40.   The students, teachers and supervisors of Madrasa-tul-Madīnah should cooperate fully with the MajlisUshr and nearby villages, taking the essential care that their study-schedule is not disturbed.

41.   The relevant member of Shūrā and the responsible Islamic brother of the MajlisUshr and nearby villages should seek Shar’ī guidance from Iftā Maktab regarding all the organizational matters of the relevant department.

Skins of sacrificed animals and collective Qurbānī

42.   This year (i.e. Zul-Hijja-til-Harām, 1435 AH), under the supervision of the Finance Majlis, the department for the skins of sacrificial animals has made 106 stores for the collection of skins of sacrificed animals throughout Pakistan. A DVD containing essential guidelines has been prepared for the training of those Islamic brothers who will be working in these stores. Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’āt will be held for them until Zul-Hijjah in which they will be trained as per a particular training syllabus and the DVD will also be played.

43.   Collective Qurbānī will be performed only at those places where prior permission will be granted by    the Nigrān of Majlis collective Qurbānī (Hājī Muhammad Aslam Attārī, Bāb-ul-Madīnah/Muhammad Muzammil Attārī, Narowal).

44.   The Majlis of collective Qurbānī should be formed where collective Qurbānī has to be performed. The Majlis should consist of at least three members that can be increased, if necessary. The Islamic brother of the city-level Finance Majlis will be its Nigrān. The Nigrān will not have the responsibility of collecting skins. It will be excellent if Madanī Islamic brothers are included in this Majlis. Like previous year, a Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’ will be held in which the Islamic scholars of Dār-ul-Iftā Ahl-e-Sunnat will provide Madanī training. At the end of the Ijtimā’, an exam will be conducted and successful Islamic brothers will be permitted to perform collective Qurbānī. (It is a Madanī request to ensure the inclusion of a Madanī Islamic brother in the Majlis and make him the Nigrān, if possible.)

Schedule of Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’ for collective Qurbānī and skins of sacrificed animals, 1435 AH





Madanī scholars of                    Dār-ul-Iftā Ahl-e-Sunnat

Timing of training



(Bāb-ul-Madīnah), Ashābī

18 Zil-Qa’dah


Global Madanī Markaz,


Bāb-ul-Madīnah (Karachi)

Mufti Muhammad Fuzail Attārī / Muhammad Sajjad Attārī           Al-Madanī

Morning 10:00




23 Zil-Qa’dah




Mufti Ali Asgher Attārī

From Salāt-ul-Jumu’ah to      Salāt-ul-Maghrib