Book Name:Tahammul Mizaji ki Fazilat

and taking revenge is a far-fetched thought, rather, these noble personalities would bless them in different ways in return. Therefore, we should also follow the footsteps of these great personalities and instead of taking revenge against Muslims for our own self, we should forgive them and be worthy of the reward of the hereafter.

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                 صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Refrain from anger to become tolerant!

Dear Islamic sisters! We were hearing about tolerance. Not losing control if something happens against your nature and remaining patient over it is also included within tolerance.

In today’s era, it is no doubt a courageous task to be tolerant because anger has become firmly rooted within our nature. Frowning upon small things, losing control, speaking unnecessarily, polluting the tongue with indecent words and getting ready to fight; all these are becoming a norm in our society. A basic reason for this is also not controlling anger.

Remember! Anger is such a fire that after being extinguished, leaves a person deserted and useless like a burnt building. After unnecessary anger, a person becomes full of regret and embarrassment. To become tolerant and attain its blessings, it is very important to control your anger. Alongside making one commit numerous sins, it can also destroy your hereafter.

٭   It can entrap a person in many sins.

٭   It entices a person to fight.

٭   It becomes a means of ruining the honour of others.

٭   It entices you to talk about shameless and bad things.

٭   It becomes a means of other people hating you.

٭   It becomes a cause of violating the rights of others.

٭   It prevents you from giving a deserving person her right.